Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood was conceived in Raleigh, North Carolina on September 7 1987. Her father Ira David Wood III is a theatre writer and actor, and her mother Sara Wood is an actress and acting coach. She is the daughter of Dana Wood, a musician, as well as Ira David Wood III, an actor. Evan and her brothers have performed at Theatre In The Park, Raleigh in the same place where her father serves as the executive director. After a long and drawn-out audition process at the age of five, she was old when she was able to screen-test against Kirsten Dunst. Together with her mother and brother Ira, she moved to Los Angeles in 1996. Since then, she has enjoyed success in television series as well as movies on TV and feature films. She's been in Practical Magic (1998) and starred in the comedy S1m0ne (2002) as Al Pacino's daughter, and the film followed with Thirteen (2003), with Holly Hunter. Her character of Tracy in "Thirteen," which she starred in was nominated at the Golden ...